Started an internship within the project “Interuniversity scientific and pedagogical cooperation with an emphasis on the transfer of Czech know-how in the field of higher education management, cooperation in the field of professional publishing, scientific and academic cooperation” at Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic).
The first day began with the opening ceremony of the International Week 2023 in MENDELU, followed by an insightful lecture for the 15 internship participants from Ukraine by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics, Martina Rašticová (@Martina Rašticová), on the topic “Internationalisation Strategies of the Faculty of Business and Economics”.

The participants enjoyed a wonderful tour of the university’s botanical garden, which impressed with its beauty.

The second day of the internship at Mendel University in Brno kicked off with a meeting with the Consul of Ukraine in the Czech Republic (Brno), Anna Proshko, who delivered a welcoming speech to the event participants. Than was diving into COST Action Digi-net “Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization”